Investigation on field examines the information pertaining to insurance claims that are suspicious or otherwise doubtful. We carry out investigation with reference to damages suffered to the vehicle due to Accident, Fire, Explosion, Self- Ignition, Lightning.
Our team consist of well trained and experienced ENGINEERS (Automobile and Mechanical) who study and analyze the information gathered from field visits so as to conclude on the genuineness of a claim.
OD Investigation
We work towards finding the genuine cause of the accident.This includes site visits, damage analysis and spot analysis to assess genuineness of the claim.
Fire Investigation
To determine the cause and origin of a fire with in depth examination of the fire scene, collection of evidence and its analyses.
Motor Third Party Investigation
This investigation include field visits, in depth analysis of police and medical records (PMR, Panchanama,etc) for assessing genuineness of the accident with grounds that could be contestable or repudiated in legal testimony.
Case Study